Whatever hair type you have, a proper hair care routine is vital. For most of us, when we think of routines, we picture washing and conditioning daily or every other day. Some may also include a hair mask now and then. There is no doubt thatshampooing andconditioning play a key role in your hair care routine. But there’s a difference between a regular routine we do without thinking and a proper routine that is designed to keep your hair healthy, glossy, soft and manageable.
Benefits of a Proper Hair Care Routine
For truly healthy hair, you need to invest in a hair care routine designed specifically for your hair type and needs. Just like a skincare routine keeps your skin happy, a routine for your hair will keep your hair happy. Here are just a few reasons to get into the right routine.
Prevent hair problems
As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Far too many wait until hair is damaged before taking action. If you have highlights and you style your hair most days, you cannot wait until your hair starts taking strain before you do something. In some cases, damaged hair can take months to heal. You may even end up having to cut your hair if thedamage is severe. You won’t be able to touch up those roots or get out your ghd. Instead of waiting, make it a habit to use products made for coloured hair. Keep dry hair properly conditioned with masks and othertreatments. Keep your scalp healthy before it gets too dry.
Encourage hair growth
A proper routine will help to promote hair growth. You don’t have to be actively trying togrow out a pixie or short style to want your hair to grow. Hair growth is a sign of healthy hair. Your hair is doing what it is meant to do - shed old hair and generate new hair. Using products made for your hair type, getting regular trims, avoiding excess heat styling (or usingthermal protection) and using leave-in treatments can all help your hair to grow naturally.
Keep hair healthy
All of this adds up to one thing… healthy hair. Maintenance is everything when it comes to hair that looks good and feels even better. You don’t get great hair by doing the least amount of effort. You get great hair by looking after it as a habit. Daily, weekly and monthly steps will help you get your hair healthy and keep it that way.
Give your hair the love it needs at Retail Box, where you’ll find all thehair products you need for your hair care routine in one place.